| Branche: | Révision :

root / index.php @ dfb6ddbf80a95f26af07817ecbe9864ed1dd848e

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1 52a3c866 Romuald
2 52a3c866 Romuald
3 3a9db70f Romuald
 * index.php - Visualisation des congés
4 52a3c866 Romuald
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Romuald DELAVERGNE  <>
5 52a3c866 Romuald
6 52a3c866 Romuald
 * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License,
7 52a3c866 Romuald
 * Version 2.  See the file COPYING for more details.
8 e464d4d0 Romuald
9 3a9db70f Romuald
 * Le système de fichiers doit être au même encodage
10 3a9db70f Romuald
 * que les chaîne de caractère de PHP (default_charset).
11 52a3c866 Romuald
12 52a3c866 Romuald
13 dfb6ddbf Romuald
        function jourFeries($ts) {
14 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                $annee = date("Y", $ts);
15 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                $mois = date("m", $ts);
16 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                $jour = date("d", $ts);
17 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                if ($mois == "01" && $jour == "01") return "jour de l'an";
18 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                if ($mois == "05" && $jour == "01") return "f&ecirc;te du travail";
19 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                if ($mois == "05" && $jour == "08") return "victoire 1945";
20 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                if ($mois == "07" && $jour == "14") return "f&ecirc;te Nationale";
21 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                if ($mois == "08" && $jour == "15") return "l'Assomption";
22 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                if ($mois == "11" && $jour == "01") return "la Toussaint";
23 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                if ($mois == "11" && $jour == "11") return "armistice 1918";
24 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                if ($mois == "12" && $jour == "25") return "No&euml;l";
25 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                $tsPaques = easter_date($annee);
26 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                if ($mois == date("m", $tsPaques) && $jour == date("d", $tsPaques)) return "P&acirc;ques";
27 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                $ts = strtotime("-7 days", $tsPaques);
28 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                if ($mois == date("m", $ts) && $jour == date("d", $ts)) return "les Rameaux";
29 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                $ts = strtotime("+1 day", $tsPaques);
30 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                if ($mois == date("m", $ts) && $jour == date("d", $ts)) return "lundi de P&acirc;ques";
31 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                $ts = strtotime("+39 days", $tsPaques);
32 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                if ($mois == date("m", $ts) && $jour == date("d", $ts)) return "l'Ascension";
33 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                $ts = strtotime("+49 days", $tsPaques);
34 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                if ($mois == date("m", $ts) && $jour == date("d", $ts)) return "la Pentec&ocirc;te";
35 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                $ts = strtotime("+50 days", $tsPaques);
36 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                if ($mois == date("m", $ts) && $jour == date("d", $ts)) return "lundi de Pentec&ocirc;te";
37 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                return "";
38 dfb6ddbf Romuald
39 dfb6ddbf Romuald
40 52a3c866 Romuald
        function getConges($path, &$employes, &$conges) {
41 52a3c866 Romuald
                $employes = array();
42 52a3c866 Romuald
                $conges = array();
43 52a3c866 Romuald
                if ($dir = opendir($path)) {
44 52a3c866 Romuald
                        while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== FALSE) {
45 52a3c866 Romuald
                                if (is_file("$path/$file")) {
46 e464d4d0 Romuald
                                        $employes[] = $file;
47 52a3c866 Romuald
                                        $dates = file("$path/$file");
48 52a3c866 Romuald
                                        foreach ($dates as $date) $conges[$file][] = rtrim($date);
49 52a3c866 Romuald
50 52a3c866 Romuald
51 52a3c866 Romuald
52 52a3c866 Romuald
53 52a3c866 Romuald
54 52a3c866 Romuald
55 52a3c866 Romuald
        function setConges($path, $nom, $conges) {
56 52a3c866 Romuald
                $fh = @fopen("$path/$nom", 'w');
57 52a3c866 Romuald
                if ($fh) {
58 52a3c866 Romuald
                        if ($conges[$nom]) {
59 52a3c866 Romuald
60 52a3c866 Romuald
                                foreach ($conges[$nom] as $str_date) {
61 52a3c866 Romuald
                                        fwrite($fh, "$str_date\n");
62 52a3c866 Romuald
63 52a3c866 Romuald
64 52a3c866 Romuald
65 52a3c866 Romuald
                } else {
66 3a9db70f Romuald
                        echo "ERROR d'écriture dans $path/$nom";
67 52a3c866 Romuald
68 52a3c866 Romuald
69 52a3c866 Romuald
70 52a3c866 Romuald
        $str_date = $_POST['str_date'];
71 52a3c866 Romuald
        $nom = $_POST['nom'];
72 a92b1e97 Romuald
        $demi_jour = $_POST['demi_jour'];
73 52a3c866 Romuald
        getConges("datas", $employes, $conges);
74 52a3c866 Romuald
        if ($_POST['action'] == 'add') {
75 52a3c866 Romuald
                if (!$conges[$nom] || !in_array($str_date, $conges[$nom])) {
76 a92b1e97 Romuald
                        $conges[$nom][] = $str_date.($demi_jour ? " $demi_jour" : "");
77 52a3c866 Romuald
                        setConges('datas', $nom, $conges);
78 52a3c866 Romuald
79 52a3c866 Romuald
        } elseif ($_POST['action'] == 'delete') {
80 52a3c866 Romuald
                if ($conges[$nom] && in_array($str_date, $conges[$nom])) {
81 52a3c866 Romuald
                        $key = array_search($str_date, $conges[$nom]);
82 52a3c866 Romuald
83 52a3c866 Romuald
                        setConges('datas', $nom, $conges);
84 52a3c866 Romuald
85 52a3c866 Romuald
86 52a3c866 Romuald
87 52a3c866 Romuald
        $vue = $_GET['vue'];
88 52a3c866 Romuald
        $date = $_GET['date'];
89 52a3c866 Romuald
        if (!$date) {
90 52a3c866 Romuald
                $ts = time();
91 52a3c866 Romuald
        } else {
92 52a3c866 Romuald
                $ts = strtotime($date);
93 52a3c866 Romuald
94 52a3c866 Romuald
95 52a3c866 Romuald
        switch ($_GET['action']) {
96 52a3c866 Romuald
                case '<<':
97 52a3c866 Romuald
                        $ts = strtotime("-1 month", $ts);
98 52a3c866 Romuald
99 52a3c866 Romuald
                case '>>':
100 52a3c866 Romuald
                        $ts = strtotime("+1 month", $ts);
101 52a3c866 Romuald
102 52a3c866 Romuald
                case 'mois':
103 52a3c866 Romuald
                case 'trimestre':
104 3a9db70f Romuald
                case 'année':
105 52a3c866 Romuald
                        $vue = $_GET['action'];
106 52a3c866 Romuald
107 52a3c866 Romuald
108 52a3c866 Romuald
109 52a3c866 Romuald
        if (!$vue) $vue = "mois";
110 52a3c866 Romuald
        $date = date("Y/m/d", $ts);
111 52a3c866 Romuald
112 52a3c866 Romuald
113 52a3c866 Romuald
        echo "<pre>\n";
114 52a3c866 Romuald
115 52a3c866 Romuald
116 52a3c866 Romuald
117 52a3c866 Romuald
        echo "</pre>\n";
118 52a3c866 Romuald
119 52a3c866 Romuald
120 52a3c866 Romuald
121 52a3c866 Romuald
122 52a3c866 Romuald
123 e464d4d0 Romuald
        <title>Gestion de cong&eacute;s</title>
124 3a9db70f Romuald
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf8" />
125 52a3c866 Romuald
        <meta http-equiv="Content-language" content="fr" />
126 3a9db70f Romuald
        <meta name="copyright" content="Tous droits réservés - All Rights Reserved" />
127 52a3c866 Romuald
        <meta name="author" content="Romuald DELAVERGNE">
128 52a3c866 Romuald
        <script language=JavaScript>
129 52a3c866 Romuald
                function updateConges(jour, nom, str_date) {
130 52a3c866 Romuald
                        if ( == 'white') {
131 52a3c866 Romuald
132 52a3c866 Romuald
                                document.forms["update"].action.value = 'add';
133 52a3c866 Romuald
                        } else {
134 52a3c866 Romuald
135 52a3c866 Romuald
                                document.forms["update"].action.value = 'delete';
136 52a3c866 Romuald
137 52a3c866 Romuald
                        document.forms["update"].nom.value = nom;
138 52a3c866 Romuald
                        document.forms["update"].str_date.value = str_date;
139 52a3c866 Romuald
140 52a3c866 Romuald
141 52a3c866 Romuald
142 52a3c866 Romuald
143 52a3c866 Romuald
144 52a3c866 Romuald
145 52a3c866 Romuald
        <form id="update" method="post">
146 52a3c866 Romuald
                <input type="hidden" name="nom" value="" />
147 52a3c866 Romuald
                <input type="hidden" name="str_date" value="" />
148 52a3c866 Romuald
                <input type="hidden" name="action" value="" />
149 a92b1e97 Romuald
                <select name="demi_jour">
150 a92b1e97 Romuald
                        <option value=""></option>
151 a92b1e97 Romuald
                        <option value="AM">AM</option>
152 a92b1e97 Romuald
                        <option value="PM">PM</option>
153 a92b1e97 Romuald
154 52a3c866 Romuald
155 52a3c866 Romuald
        <form method="get">
156 52a3c866 Romuald
                <input type="hidden" name="date" value="<?=$date?>" />
157 52a3c866 Romuald
                <input type="hidden" name="vue" value="<?=$vue?>" />
158 52a3c866 Romuald
159 52a3c866 Romuald
160 52a3c866 Romuald
                <td align="left"><input type="submit" name="action" value="<<" /></td>
161 52a3c866 Romuald
                <td align="center">
162 52a3c866 Romuald
                        <input type="submit" style="border:0; background:transparent; color:blue; cursor:pointer; text-decoration:underline;" name="action" value="mois"> |
163 52a3c866 Romuald
                        <input type="submit" style="border:0; background:transparent; color:blue; cursor:pointer; text-decoration:underline;" name="action" value="trimestre"> |
164 52a3c866 Romuald
                        <input type="submit" style="border:0; background:transparent; color:blue; cursor:pointer; text-decoration:underline;" name="action" value="ann&eacute;e">
165 52a3c866 Romuald
                <td align="right"><input type="submit" name="action" value=">>" /></td>
166 52a3c866 Romuald
167 52a3c866 Romuald
168 3a9db70f Romuald
        for ($v = 0; $v == 0 || ($vue == "trimestre" && $v < 3) || ($vue == "année" && $v < 12); $v++) {
169 52a3c866 Romuald
                $ts2 = strtotime("+$v month", $ts);
170 52a3c866 Romuald
                $date_annee = date("Y", $ts2);
171 52a3c866 Romuald
                $date_mois = date("m", $ts2);
172 52a3c866 Romuald
                $nom_mois = date("F", $ts2);
173 52a3c866 Romuald
                $nb_jours = date("t", $ts2);
174 52a3c866 Romuald
175 52a3c866 Romuald
        <tr><td colspan="3">
176 52a3c866 Romuald
        <table border="1" width="100%">
177 52a3c866 Romuald
178 52a3c866 Romuald
                        <th rowspan="2">&nbsp;</th>
179 a92b1e97 Romuald
                        <th colspan="<?=2*$nb_jours?>" align="center"><?=$nom_mois?> <?=$date_annee?></th>
180 52a3c866 Romuald
181 52a3c866 Romuald
182 52a3c866 Romuald
<?php for ($n = 1; $n <= $nb_jours; $n++) { ?>
183 a92b1e97 Romuald
                        <th colspan="2"><?=sprintf("%02d", $n)?></th>
184 52a3c866 Romuald
<?php } ?>
185 52a3c866 Romuald
186 52a3c866 Romuald
<?php foreach ($employes as $nom) { ?>
187 52a3c866 Romuald
188 52a3c866 Romuald
                        <td align="right"><?=$nom?></td>
189 52a3c866 Romuald
<?php for ($n = 1; $n <= $nb_jours; $n++) {
190 52a3c866 Romuald
                                $date_jour = sprintf("%02d", $n);
191 52a3c866 Romuald
                                $str_date = "$date_annee/$date_mois/$date_jour";
192 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                                $ts3 = strtotime($str_date);
193 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                                $jour_semaine = date("w", $ts3);
194 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                                $libOnClick = "";
195 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                                $libTitle = "";
196 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                                $day = "";
197 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                                if (($libFerie = jourFeries($ts3))) {
198 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                                        $color = "gray";
199 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                                        $libTitle = " title=\"$libFerie\"";
200 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                                } elseif ($jour_semaine == 0 || $jour_semaine == 6) {
201 52a3c866 Romuald
                                        $color = "lightgray";
202 52a3c866 Romuald
                                } else if (isset($conges[$nom]) && in_array($str_date, $conges[$nom])) {
203 52a3c866 Romuald
                                        $color = "blue";
204 3a9db70f Romuald
                                        $day = "congé";
205 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                                        $libOnClick = " onClick=\"updateConges(this, '$nom', '$str_date')\"";
206 a92b1e97 Romuald
                                } else if (isset($conges[$nom]) && in_array("$str_date AM", $conges[$nom]) && in_array("$str_date PM", $conges[$nom])) {
207 a92b1e97 Romuald
                                        $color = "blue";
208 3a9db70f Romuald
                                        $day = "congé AP";
209 a92b1e97 Romuald
                                } else if (isset($conges[$nom]) && in_array("$str_date AM", $conges[$nom])) {
210 a92b1e97 Romuald
                                        $color = "blue";
211 3a9db70f Romuald
                                        $day = "congé AM";
212 a92b1e97 Romuald
                                } else if (isset($conges[$nom]) && in_array("$str_date PM", $conges[$nom])) {
213 a92b1e97 Romuald
                                        $color = "blue";
214 3a9db70f Romuald
                                        $day = "congé PM";
215 52a3c866 Romuald
                                } else {
216 52a3c866 Romuald
                                        $color = "white";
217 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                                        $libOnClick = " onClick=\"updateConges(this, '$nom', '$str_date')\"";
218 52a3c866 Romuald
219 52a3c866 Romuald
220 a92b1e97 Romuald
221 3a9db70f Romuald
                                if ($day == "congé AM") {
222 a92b1e97 Romuald
223 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                        <td style="cursor: pointer; background-color: <?=$color?>" onClick="updateConges(this, '<?=$nom?>', '<?=$str_date?> AM')">&nbsp;</td>
224 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                        <td style="cursor: pointer; background-color: white" onClick="updateConges(this, '<?=$nom?>', '<?=$str_date?> PM')">&nbsp;</td>
225 3a9db70f Romuald
<?php         } elseif ($day == "congé PM") { ?>
226 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                        <td style="cursor: pointer; background-color: white" onClick="updateConges(this, '<?=$nom?>', '<?=$str_date?> AM')">&nbsp;</td>
227 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                        <td style="cursor: pointer; background-color: <?=$color?>" onClick="updateConges(this, '<?=$nom?>', '<?=$str_date?> PM')">&nbsp;</td>
228 3a9db70f Romuald
<?php         } elseif ($day == "congé AP") { ?>
229 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                        <td style="cursor: pointer; background-color: <?=$color?>" onClick="updateConges(this, '<?=$nom?>', '<?=$str_date?> AM')">&nbsp;</td>
230 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                        <td style="cursor: pointer; background-color: <?=$color?>" onClick="updateConges(this, '<?=$nom?>', '<?=$str_date?> PM')">&nbsp;</td>
231 a92b1e97 Romuald
<?php         } else {?>
232 dfb6ddbf Romuald
                        <td colspan="2" style="cursor: pointer; background-color: <?=$color?>"<?=$libOnClick?><?=$libTitle?>>&nbsp;</td>
233 a92b1e97 Romuald
<?php         } ?>
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<?php } ?>
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241 52a3c866 Romuald
242 52a3c866 Romuald
243 52a3c866 Romuald
244 52a3c866 Romuald
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